Welcome & Introduction | Basics & Anatomy | Treatment of a Case | Resources & References | Clinical Trials |
Using MetResectThe primary goal of this educational tool is to give the user a greater perspective on the options available for treating colorectal cancer that has metastasized to the liver, and which may possibly be resectable for cure. The Cases At the heart of this educational tool are 51 cases that are each presented and discussed by an expert in the field. These cases have 4 educational elements.
The Medical Literature At the heart of this resource are about 100 central references. These can be reviewed in the "Resources & References" section. There they are ordered by first author and also primary topic. For each of these references there is a linked slide set, and links to the internet resources where the abstracts for the articles and often the full text articles are available. Reviews of the Literature One of the things you will not find in MetResect is a "review" of the literature in this area, with text and tables summarizing and synthesizing the medical literature. These can be obtained from other sources. Rather MetResect is intended to provide a wide breadth of clinical perspective from actual cases.